Thursday, May 25, 2017

2017: The First Five Months

Well, that escalated quickly.

Technically four months, three weeks and four days. But who’s counting.

So this is just a quick post to follow up on the goals I set last time. Because what kind of person would I be if I didn’t keep my new year’s resolutions objectives for the year?

A normal person?

Don’t answer that. I need all the help I can get.

1. Better time management.

Sort of?

Okay, no. Not at all. Need to work on that.

I think the main problem here is that I’m too distracted. Too much social media. Too much scrolling, browsing, eating up my days precious minutes at a time. That’s no way to live.

And also too much overthinking. I worry too much. That takes up time and energy too. I need to relax.

The time is there. I just need to be more focused.

2. Finish Wraithblade.

Ehe. What was that about being more focused?

So I’m two more chapters in and have a bit more developed plotwise. It’s not nothing, but it’s not much either. I need motivation. Or inspiration. Or a better mindset.

Or maybe I just need to get to work?

But making stuff up is hard.

I’m starting to wonder about this dream of mine. But that’s worth a post by itself.

3. Ninety days.

And counting.

Reached this one a few days ago. The difference is subtle, but it’s there. I did it – and with less effort than I expected. I have a theory about how and why. But again, that’s worth a post by itself.

So I can cross this one off. Here’s to self-control.

Sorry. It’s still personal.

4. Saving money.


Not as much as I should have by now, but not nothing, either. Save before spending, kids. You’ll be glad you did.

5. Put on weight?

I think I’ve lost some, actually.

So I’m what’s called an ectomorph. Skinny, with a bottomless stomach and a gas-fueled metabolism. Gaining weight isn’t impossible, but I would need to make some lifestyle changes. Not just eating more – a lot more – but also reducing my natural activity level. Because ectomorphs tend to be fidgety, and have trouble sitting still for long periods. Yup. That fits.  

I’d also need to embrace a weightlifting program; stick to the right kinds of foods; and apparently I’m not getting enough sleep. Six to seven hours isn’t enough? Really?

This would take effort. And money. And given how I spend most days walking around for work, I can’t help feeling the odds are against me.

Screw it. It’d be nice, but I’m putting this one on the back-burner.

6. Write shorter, more frequent blog posts.

Adding a new goal here.

I know I’ve said I would do this before. But it’s worth doing. 

Because I like blogging. I like talking about the books I’ve read, and the games I’ve played, and whatever helpful life lessons I can pass on to others. It’s easy in a way that story-writing isn’t. Blogging is fun.

At the same time, I do have the tendency to go on and on. That Dragon Age game was epic, and deserved an epic post. But did anyone actually read all of that?

I didn’t think so.

So yeah. More short posts coming soon. Yay.

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